

CTA, as a partner of the European project BIObec on the promotion of bioeconomy education, is organising a hybrid event entitled: 'Cross-fertilization seminar among BBECs and Roadmap co-design experience' on 6th September. This international meeting, which will take place at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna (BOKU) and online, is aimed at experts in the field of bioeconomy and education at different levels. The objective of the event is to present the current status of the BIObec project and its six multi-level Bio-Based Education Centres (BBECs), currently under development. In addition, the roadmap for the formation of these BBECs will be presented and different working groups related to the bioeconomy and education will be established in order to promote the objectives and scope of the centres.

The day before (5th September) there will be an optional Social Dinner with BIObec project partners and seminar participants. It will take place at 19.30 at Heuriger "Hengl-Haselbrunner". Dinner expenses will be financed by CTA.

This BIObec project event takes place in the framework of the European Bioeconomy Scientific Forum 2023, which is being held from 6th to 8th September in Vienna. This is the biannual official event of all European Bioeconomy University Alliance’s (EBU) representatives and, for this edition, the event will focus on “Moving towards the transformation”. The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), is the current chair of the European Bioeconomy University Alliance. Registration for the on-site event will be open until 25th August.

REGISTRATION FORM: https://www.corporaciontecnologica.com/es/agenda/cross-fertilization-seminar-biobec/

Agenda 6th September

  • 08.00 h: Registration
  • 08.30 h: Welcome and introduction. Davide Viaggi, Coordinator of the BIObec project. University of Bologna
  • 08.50 h: Presentation of the BIObec methodology through the BIObec roadmap co-design experience. Rafael Dueñas, Innovation Consultant. CTA
  • 09.40 h: Coffee break
  • 10.00 h: Cross-fertilization seminar. Part I
  • 11.00 h: Cross-fertilization seminar. Part II
  • 12:00 h. Closing remarks and networking session

Optional 5th September

19.30 h: Social dinner (offered by CTA) Heuriger “Hengl-Haselbrunner” (Iglaseegasse 10, 1190 Vienna)


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