Creative Business Cup – a global environment for clusters at the service of creative economy to support entrepreneurship at international level

Submitted by Lucia Seel on 29 November 2016

Creative Business Cup matches large corporations’ need for innovation with global creative startups. All year round, Creative Business Cup helps talented startups from the creative industries activate their potential for growth and development, through training, matchmaking and mentor programmes. Creative Business Cup is a global movement, supported by investors as well as media, by cluster organisations and authorities.

The yearly highlight is the global finals where the world’s best creative startup are awarded in Copenhagen, Denmark. Before the spectacular event takes place, more than 70 countries have had national finals and chose their best and most innovative startups from the creativeindustries. The national partners are in many countries cluster organisations that put a special focus on the need to bridge the gap to financing (investors) and to strengthen their entrepreneurs with the needed skills (bootcamps, mentoring). In Denmark a cluster organization (INVIO) even created a special challenge – The Invio Experience Technology Challenge that was won by Innomdle Lab (South Korea) for its attempt to create experience technology can make us feel and do things in new, unseen and unexperienced ways – such as using your finger as a phone.

(From left to right: Susanne Baden Jorgensen and Kaspar Nielsen from Cluster Excellence Denmark, Bettina Simonsen – Innonet Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Lucia Seel – Communication Manager ECCP)

Come November, these teams are competing vigorously to win. The title of world champion in creative entrepreneurship 2016 befell Green City Solution of Germany, who impressed the jury with their business idea; an urban sculpture covered by moss cultures that cleans the air with the same effect as 275 natural urban trees.

The motivation of the high-profile jury to award the winner prize:  ”This team captures both the imagination and the intelligence of good business. They bring nature and art together in a beautiful fusion to solve an important health issue in the world: air pollution. In a sustainable way they have created “City Trees” which will have an enormous impact on the air we breathe. Because of this extraordinary, cross-sectorial achievement, we in the jury would like to congratulate Green City Solutions from Germany.”

Rasmus Tscherning, CEO, Creative Business Cup, said: ”Over two intense days at this year’s Creative Business Cup, 400 innovative, creative startups have tested if their brilliant and innovative ideas can transform into a profitable business with a professional, international jury. They were all impressive, I am sure most of them have an exciting journey ahead of them.”

Creative Business Cup, based in Copenhagen, makes all that happen. 


For further information, please contact:

Rasmus Wiinstedt Tscherning, CEO, CBC: +45 2840 4668 / rwt [at] (rwt[at]creativebusinesscup[dot]com)

Karoline Haulund, Head of Communication, CBC: +45 2713 4342 / kah [at] (kah[at]creativebusinesscup[dot]com)

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