Consultation on the Forum of Cluster Associations and Network - third survey open now
To ensure the main propose of knowledge exchange, an online working group within the Cluster Collaboration platform has been activated.
One of the active groups is the Forum of Cluster Associations and Networks (FCAN) that initiates discussion among various CAN and the European Commission with a focus on consultation, cluster development and cooperation, the exchange of practices and mutual learning.
The working groups of FCAN consists of four initial groups:
- general updates
- funding
- digitalisation
- green economy
Each working group provides a straightforward platform for FCAN members to post and share any opportunities, ideas, or ask a question directly. Every week, the ECCP team also provides several news and updates according to the related topic of each group that can easily be followed or reshared.
In order to enhance the expectations and understand the interest of FCAN members, the ECCP team launched the third consultation in a form of survey. It aims to assess the needs and interests of CAN on how useful the forum is in promoting exchange and cooperation among the CAN and the exchange between CAN and the European Commission.
The survey results will show the support needed from the ECCP to meet set objectives in the upcoming period.
This consultation is essential to meet the needs of the members of FCAN, and it is necessary that all members participate. The output will be an important evaluation for ECCP Working Group with hope that it achieves its purpose of knowledge transfer of Cluster Collaboration.
The members of FCAN forum are expected to fill this survey by 5 July.
The ECCP will openly share and discuss the outcomes of the consultation.