Collective intelligence as a driver of value in innovation ecosystems

Submitted by Imogen Allan on 03 May 2021

In the meeting of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus on 4 March, Jaime Quesado from the Strategic Council of CEIIA (Center of Excellence and Innovation of Mobility)​ spoke about the importance of developing collective intelligence for the future. To do this, we need an overview of where we stand now, examples of collective intelligence in practice and insights to develop a collaborative agenda on the role collective intelligence plays.

Collective intelligence provides the most updated tools to reinforce the effective cooperation between teams in organisation and to give a more effective context of strategic engagement within innovation ecosystems. To translate collective intelligence into actions, we need to define the innovation ecosystem, design how to make the ecosystem visible, and create legitimacy for the organisations and a sense of belonging. Within the ecosystem, cluster can give a response to what is needed, build and sustain networks, and offer their capacity to invest in networks.

Jaime Quesado gave examples of Smart Regions (Project DIH Smart Regions), health ecosystems, and open hubs to demonstrate how collective intelligence can be organised.

The morning session are open to everyone.

Sign up to receive invitations here and watch the recording of the session below.

collective intelligence
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