Collaboration between Venetian Cluster and Academy of Dazu Rock Carvings for the restoration of the UNESCO site of SUCHENYAN, China
Collaboration between Venetian Cluster and Academy of Dazu Rock Carvings for the restoration of the UNESCO site of SUCHENYAN, China
Venetian Cluster has built in the last yeas a strong cooperation with some Chinese entities.
Italy is a point of reference at the European level when dealing with the topic of restoration, conservation and use of the natural and cultural heritage: VHC started this restoration work of the UNESCO site of Dazu after the end of a project in November 2016, where the goal was to foster a coordination system between the Italian enterprises in the sector of cultural heritage and the Chinese partners, in order to consider the national competences and the need analysis and to find the best technologies, competences and results. This project has led to the opening of the market and of the cooperation, and the Veneto region supported the technical agreement between the Venetian Heritage Cluster and the Academy of Dazu Rock Carvings for a project which focuses in the restoration and conservation of polychromies and material of SUCHENYAN, the huge site known as "Dazu Rock Carvings" under the UNESCO protection since 1999.
The “Dazu Rock Carvings” is located in the district of Dazu, municipality of Chongqing, and it is composed of five rock complexes with bas relieves and inscriptions that represent historical moments and persons, religious, social and political activities, dating back to the period from the ninth and the thirteenth centuries. The complex of SUCHENYAN is made up of 426 statues that describe the events dated back to the Southern Song Dynasty (1143-1153 aC).
The Venetian Cluster ( is the only Italian national cluster and it is an innovative regional network in the sector of the environmental and cultural heritage.
The project was signed because of the experience of the cluster and after different visits and meetings that have seen the participation of the Academy of Dazu Rock Carvings, the Italian Consulate General and the Veneto region. This work is a fundamental starting point for new technical collaborations and for the promotion of the Italian competences in China.