The Cluster Booster Track - Call for European Mentors
About the Cluster Booster Track
The Cluster Booster track is the special programme launched by THE NEXT SOCIETY, which targets clusters. It is an exciting peer-to-peer learning and booster programme that helps South-Med cluster managers (from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine*, Tunisia) to improve their management skills, multiply their business opportunities and open new channels of inter-clustering collaboration at national and international levels.
In the framework of the Cluster Booster Track, 26 South-Med cluster managers will benefit from a special cluster mentoring programme that aims to deepen cluster management issues with an experienced peer from Europe in a win-win approach.
The mentoring programme of the Cluster Booster Track
This programme is based on the matching of
- experienced European cluster practitioners (cluster managers or cluster management experts)willing to develop inter-cluster cooperation and share successful experiences, the mentors,
- with 26 selected South-Med cluster managers interested in peer feedback, the mentees.
Mentoring is reserved to the 26 South-Med cluster selected to benefit from the Cluster Booster Track activities (The list of the selected South-Med clusters is provided in the call). The purpose of the mentoring programme is to deepen the cluster management issues identified during an initial needs assessment (Needs Diagnosis process) and during training activities proposed by the track (Benchmarking visits and Training).
Who can apply
The call is open to all European cluster managers (or cluster management experts**) willing to share their experience and offer support to mentees. For applicants, mentoring will be an opportunity to reflect on their own practice and gain new perspective on their organization as well.
Areas of knowledge
Knowledge areas and competences that mentors can offer to share through the Cluster Booster Track mentoring programme (non-exclusive list):
• Cluster strategy
• Financing model – sustainability
• Communication strategy & branding
• Member engagement
• Service portfolio
• Governance of the cluster
• Management and development of the cluster management team
• Monitoring, evaluation and impact
• Cross-sector cooperation and inter-clustering (both at national and international level)
• Other topics (preferably related to cluster management)
Financial contribution
The financial contribution for mentors is limited to maximum EUR 3,100 (VAT excluded)/per mentee. Applicants must provide their quotation in the application form.
How to apply and deadline for submission
European cluster managers (or cluster management experts) interested in becoming a mentor should download the Call for mentors and the relative application form (also attached), and follow the indicated guidelines for application.
The application form must be submitted electronically by end of day (CET) on the 15/03/2019 at the latest to sara.botti [at] (sara[dot]botti[at]franceclusters[dot]fr) .
If you have questions regarding this call, please send an email to sara.botti [at] (sara[dot]botti[at]franceclusters[dot]fr)
*This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.
** Experts in cluster management must have either a professional experience of at least 5 years in management of a cluster organization; or a strong experience in strategic counselling/support to the development of cluster organizations in the past 5 years. Evidence of the expertise must be included in the application form.