Cluster BIG event
📢 On November 9th, Cluster BIG - Blue Italian Growth, a partner in the #MEDBanProject, organized a workshop titled: "European-funded projects and partnerships as engines for a more circular blue (bio)economy across the Mediterranean."
During the event, several speakers discussed European partnerships dedicated to the #BlueEconomy and #BioEconomy, as well as key ongoing projects in the #Mediterranean. Indeed, there is a growing focus at European, national, and regional levels on emerging and innovative sectors of the blue economy, which can offer significant potential for economic growth, transition to sustainability, and job creation 🌊
The result is a significant increase in #FundingOpportunities, with various maritime clusters and organizations working on EU-funded projects. The main goal is to strengthen innovation in the "blue sector" by supporting SMEs, the backbone of the European economy, through #CascadeFunding. In this respect, with its 46 funded SMEs, #MEDBan is at the forefront of funding European blue economy-related companies 📈