Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 20 July 2017

Topic identifier: COS-2017-3-04-1
Publication date: 13 July 2017
Types of action: COSME-GA Grant agreement
Opening date:
13 July 2017

Specific challenge: 

  • Support a project in the area of FashionTech (intersection of fashion and technology)
  • Facilitating and reinforcing cross-sectoral collaboration amongst relevant organisations (incubators, accelerators, labs, universities, research centres and other relevant business support organisations) 
  • Supporting a number of innovative start-ups and SMEs

WIth a budget of EUR 1,600,000,  the main objective of this action is to support the creation, business development and scaling-up of companies in the fashion and the tourism sectors through incubators integrating creative, art and design skills from CCIs (Cultural and Creative Industries) with technology, science and other relevant expertise.

Specific objectives:

  • Facilitating and reinforcing cross-sectoral collaboration amongst incubators, accelerators, labs as well as other relevant actors across EU countries and COSME participating countries focusing on themes identified below, taking into account the relevant value chains;
  • Supporting a number of innovative startups and SMEs for a period necessary for them do grow and scale-up their business activities

To increase the impact of the action on regional development, proposals must demonstrate the existence of a supportive environment e.g. by explaining the links between the proposed project and the objectives of the regional development programmes, including as defined in the smart specialisation strategies. The networks shall feed into the cross-regional development of joint actions and investment projects in common priority areas in the context of the Thematic Smart Specialisation Platform on industrial modernisation (depending on the existence of a relevant thematic platform)

Deadline: 19 October 2017 17:00:00 Brussels time

More details on the call, submission tools are available here

For any questions related to the scope of the call, please contact EASME-COSME-Incubation-Networks-2017 [at] (EASME-COSME-Incubation-Networks-2017[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

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