Call For Proposals Morocco
A three-day business mission to Morocco will be organised within the framework of the AEWEN (Africa Europe Water & Energy Network) project, co-financed under the COSME – Clusters go international programme, which aims to intensify international and cross-sectoral collaboration between clusters and business networks, to promote strategic cluster partnerships and to support the competitiveness of SMEs at global level. .
The main objective of the mission will be to meet potential partners and stakeholders in Morocco to develop future business and partnerships. The mission will be centred on Water and Energy sectors.
We are looking for a subcontractor in Morocco to organise the mission. This will include organising welcome reception, information sessions, B2B for the EU companies, and logistic aspects for the mission such as transport, translation, accommodation, and communication services.
Participation in tendering procedures is open under equal conditions to all natural and legal persons. Economic actors may create a consortium to answer to the present call.
Partners supporting the project are allowed to submit a proposal.
Applications will be selected according to common and transparent criteria. They will be reviewed by the AEWEN consortium.
The contract will be awarded to the proposal offering best value for money.
The application must be submitted in PDF format in English, French or Spanish by July 7th , 18:00 (CEST).
If you are interested and wish to receive the detailed call for proposal, please send an email to: Mercè Martín Goula with cc: