Call for Project Outlines: Clusters and Ecosystems As Drivers of Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity
A call for proposals specifically targeting Nordic clusters, business networks and ecosystems to establish Nordic innovation projects in the field of Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity.
Deadline: 20 November 2018 at 15.00 CET
Budget: NOK 200 000
Applications: The application portal will open ultimo October 2018.
Nordic Innovation invites Nordic clusters, business networks and ecosystems to participate in our Clusters and Ecosystems As Drivers of Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity call for project outlines.
The purpose of this call is to foster the establishment of Nordic innovation projects, new Nordic partnerships, value chains or business models in the field of Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity. Through this initiative, Nordic Innovation sets out to promote sustainable growth, innovation, entrepreneurship and global competitiveness of Nordic companies. By promoting Nordic smart mobility and connectivity solutions, Nordic Innovation aims to speed up the transition to a more sustainable and connected mobile future, where quality of life is a cross-cutting aspiration.
Nordic Innovation will provide funding of NOK 200 000 to up to 10 early-stage Nordic projects related to smart mobility and connectivity, with the aim of developing the most promising initiatives to next stage large scale Nordic Innovation projects.
Nordic Innovation will host a workshop at BLOXHUB in Copenhagen on 1 November 2018, which will be a matchmaking opportunity for applicants to this call.
Please find more information on the call here. The full call text, eligibility and evaluation criteria are also available here.
Published on 11/10/2018 by Nordic Innovation.