The Call for Applications for The Atlantic Project Awards in now open

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 01 April 2020

The Call of Applications to select the 2020 Atlantic Project Awards, aimed to honour outstanding success stories, achieved by projects in the geographical area covered by the Atlantic Strategy and that are related to the implementation of the Atlantic Action Plan is now open.

Please see the guidelines for applicants and get ready to submit the online application form before 18 June 2020.

Projects can apply for the following categories under the umbrella of the Atlantic Strategy and the Action Plan Priorities:  

  • Atlantic ports and blue economy;
  • Blue skills and ocean literacy;
  • Marine renewable energy;
  • Healthy ocean and resilient coasts; as well as for 
  • International Cooperation in the Atlantic area i.e. international dimension embodied in the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation with United States of America and Canada and its potential support to the Blue Economy; in the Atlantic research cooperation with Brazil and South Africa; in the cooperation with adjacent sea macro-regions/basins (Baltic, Mediterranean, Black Sea), etc.

In case of questions, please contact helpdesk [at] (helpdesk[at]atlanticstrategy[dot]eu).

The call was published on website here

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