Boost your profile by taking part in EU Industry Days 2021
The European Commission's Directorate for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs (DG GROW) is looking for organisations and businesses to take part in the European Union's (EU) Industry Week and Industry Days activities next year.
Applications are being sought from bodies that would like to stage local virtual Industry Days events between January and March 2021 or stakeholder sessions between 24-26 February 2021. The deadline for applications is 15 November 2020.
Organising a local event under the umbrella of EU Industry Week 2021 is an excellent opportunity to bring visibility to your business, organisation or project, with events being labelled as 'EU Industry Week events' and being promoted on the EU Industry Days website.
Stakeholder sessions are an opportunity to bring together key players to discuss topics that are relevant to your industry. They enable engagement with a diverse audience representing a variety of industrial ecosystems from all over Europe.
The high interest in EU Industry Days and the associated communications and promotional activities will give your business, organisation or project visibility and impact.
The main focus of local events and stakeholder sessions in 2021 should be on new industrial strategies in a post-COVID economic and social reality, with a specific focus on the challenges and needs of European industrial ecosystems related to one of the following objectives:
- shaping Europe's digital future
- making Europe’s industry climate-neutral by 2050
- EU competitiveness in the changing global landscape
More information and details of how to apply to host a local event can be found here and to hold a stakeholder sessions here.
The Commission will inform applicants of the results of the selection process by 6 December 2020.