Basque Smart Grids companies explore their approach to the Canadian market International

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 10 May 2017

The companies are positively assessing their participation in a business delegation to Canada jointly organised by the Embassy of Canada and Basque Energy Cluster in November, with the support of SPRI.

To further extend the contact established by Basque and Canadian delegations of electrical grid sector companies within the framework of the Smart Grids Basque Country stand activities at the latest European Utility Week in Barcelona, Nadia Rego, the Trade Commissioner at the Embassy of Canada in Spain visited a number of Basque companies on 18th and 19th January accompanied by the Basque Energy Cluster. The purpose of the visits was to explore the interest of companies in participating in a business mission to Canada in November.

The eventful agenda followed during the visit included meetings with companies such as: ArtecheOrmazábalIngeteamUriarte SafyboxTecnaliaZigor and Eldu; as well as visits to state-of-the-art facilities including: the Ultra-High Voltage Laboratory at Arteche, the Development and Testing Unit and High Power Laboratory at Ormazábal, the High Power Electronic Laboratory at Ingeteam, as well as Bidelek Sareak showroom located at Tecnalia.

The mission, currently under analysis and evaluation will be jointly organised by the Embassy of Canada and Basque Energy Cluster with the support of SPRI and will take place during the second week of November at the same time as the Smart Grids Canada Roadshow conference which is held in Toronto from 6th to 8th November. As the main national event in Canada related to Smart Grids, it will be hosted at the premises of Toronto Hydro and will gather representatives from the major utilities in the country.

To enhance the participation in the conference and networking opportunities derived from it, the organisation of a business visit agenda including Hydro Quebec premises in Montreal among others, has been proposed.

In forthcoming weeks, the Basque Energy Cluster will study the opportunities offered by this mission along with interested companies, and will collaborate with the Embassy of Canada in defining the most suitable framework to address the priorities of the Basque value chain in this market.

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