Austrian National Cluster Platform hosts two online events on innovation and the Joint Cluster Initiatives
On 15th September 2021, Austrian National Cluster Platform hosted 2 online events to discuss interregional innovation investment and another event discussing how clusters have an important role in initiating company qualification projects.
The first event addressed the new EU program "I3 - Interregional Innovation Investment". Mr. Roßbacher from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism gave an overview of the program and, following this, Mag. Hagenauer from ecoplus presented the new EU program from the perspective of the applicants.
Finally, Mr. DI Bidmon FFG gave a short update on the upcoming call for proposals for "Joint Cluster Initiatives" (JCI) open call in the framework of the Single Market Program and COSME, also known as Euroclusters.
With a budget of €42 million, Euroclusters will contribute to building resilience and accelerating transition to green and digital economy. The call is open until 30 November.
The second event focused on the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW), in which the current calls for proposals were presented:
- Digital Skills Check (Deadline: 15.12.2021): SME funding of further training costs in the area of digital skills
- Innovation Camps S (Deadline: 31.3.2022): multi-day training measures on RTDI-D topics and service innovation
- Innovation Camps M (Deadline: 31.1.2022): Tailor-made, application-oriented qualification projects, to increase the RTDI+D competences in Austrian companies and to strengthen the knowledge transfer and the cooperation between science and industry.
Find more information about the Austrian National Cluster Platform here.