Are you interested in collaborating with a young and dynamic cluster organisation focused on HR development? If yes, then read on!

Submitted by Renáta Pfefferová on 14 December 2023


A letter with an invitation from a very young Czech HR Development Cluster.

Dear business owners, managing directors and managers,

Allow us a short introduction about the HR Development Cluster and an explanation of our intentions.

We are a newly established cluster organisation founded in February 2023. Our members primarily comprise small and medium-sized enterprises located in the eastern region of the Czech Republic, Morava. As a cluster organisation, we have created a platform for business owners and managers to share their experiences. We realised the importance of people management for many companies, not just in the Czech Republic, which led us to establish the HR Development Clusters. Our organisation can serve as a valuable platform for others to share their experiences and knowledge in this critical area of business management.

The cluster has an interdisciplinary focus, which means that the development and work with human resources are not limited to the field of business. Our primary objective is to motivate our members to explore new approaches and opportunities and foster an environment where societies can learn from each other.

We are interested in exploring foreign companies for inspiration, including those in our neighbouring countries and across Europe. Czech companies offer valuable expertise and can be great partners in the fields of industry and services. They are willing to share their best practices in these areas.

Therefore, we are looking for partners who are willing to listen, are open to sharing their experience and have ambitions for personal and professional development.

As a cluster organisation, we focus on values, employee motivation and engagement, people management, company culture, energy, innovation, R&D, legislation, and more.

If you are interested, we would be glad if you contact us for a personal or online meeting, where we will present our cluster in more detail.

Our team is open to new challenges that can move the HR Development Cluster and members forward. For more information, visit our webpage or contact the Cluster Manager, Magdalena Vrabcekova, at vrabcekova [at] (vrabcekova[at]rhrklastr[dot]cz) and connect with us via LinkedIn.


TEAM HR Development Cluster


Read about the HR Development Cluster (page 41) in the latest edition of the KLASTROVINY magazine, published regularly.

Cluster organisation
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