APRE Roundtable "Towards Horizon Europe": EIC, Clusters and Missions - A Threefold Perspective to Empower Innovation

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 23 May 2019

Clusters approach, R&I Missions, European Innovation Council: three of the most debated issues in the Brussels R&I arena will become a reality as Horizon Europe is launched.

APRE, the Italian Agency for the Promotion of European Research organises, in collaboration with the European Commission, the roundtable “EIC, Clusters and Missions - A threefold perspective to empower innovation”, to bring together high-level European Commission representatives and a selected number of R&I actors (i.e. universities, research centres, companies, financial intermediaries, ecc.), including but not limited to the Italian R&I community. The aim of the workshop is to raise awareness and facilitate an exchange of views about those three key novelties in Horizon Europe, while highlighting possible suggestions for the implementation and governance of the European Innovation Council and the identification of R&I Missions in view of the Horizon Europe strategic planning process.

Invited speakers include Renzo TOMELLINI, Head of Unit ‘Horizon Programmes Policy’ at DG Research & Innovation, European Commission, Viorel PECA, Head of Unit ‘Future & Emerging Technologies (FET)’ at DG Connect, European Commission, Giacomo MATTINÒ, Head of Unit ‘Enterprise Europe Network and Internationalisation of SMEs’ at DG GROW, European Commission. 

Please find attached the agenda of the event. The registration is available at this link, until 31 May 2019. 

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