As a part of the AMULET project, we are pleased to announce the results of the second open call as part of the project entitled: "Advanced Materials & Manufacturing United for LightWeight" - AMULET.
The AMULET consortium received 31 applications and selected 18 for funding. Those 18 projects comprise SMEs from the building, aerospace&aeronautics, energy and automotive sectors across 16 European Countries. European SMEs have been numerous to apply, with 37 submitted applications and selected 31 involving 66 entities from 16 countries: 3 countries stand out among others – Italy (15 applicants) as one of the top source countries, then Spain (11 applicants) and Greece (8 applicants).
Other countries: Finland (1), Lithuania (6), Hungary (3), Poland (2), Denmark (2), Belgium (2), United Kingdom (4), Portugal (1), Germany (3), Slovenia (3), Turkey (3), Ireland (1), Croatia (1). Two sectors dominated among the applicants and preselected applications concern challenges of aerospace&aeronautics sector - 11 applications (35,5%) and building – 10 applications (32,3%). Less popular were challenges of energy - 5 applications (16,1%)) and automotive - 5 applications (16,1%) sectors.Among materials selected by preselected applicants one stands out among others: polymer-based composites material constitutes the largest percentage 51,6% of applications (16 applications). The second is light metal alloys – 29% (9 applications). Third material –ceramic matrix composites – gathered 6 applications which is 19,4% of all applications.