AMETIC, the Spanish Electronics and IT Associations of Industry in need of miniature electro valves for artificial ventilators

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 24 March 2020

The General Secretariat for Industry and Small and Medium Entreprise within the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism in Spain has recently published an emergency post informing that AMETIC, the Spanish Electronics and IT Association of Industries is looking for miniatures electro valves. AMETIC is managing the support to scale up production in Spanish companies that manufacture artificial ventilators, in a call opened by the Ministry. 

Contact: mar.villarrubia [at] (mar[dot]villarrubia[at]grupopremo[dot]com)

Source: LinkedIn post of Antonio Novo Guerrero, president of the European Cluster Alliance and FENAEIC - The National Federation of Innovative Business Groups and Clusters, and also the tweet posted by the Packaging cluster

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