The conference aims at strengthening, through an open and constructive exchange of views among leading personalities, the cooperation between the STS forum and the EU, in the face of the common challenges confronting our societies and the capacity of science, technology and innovation to provide resources and instruments for successfully tackling them (for more details, please refer to the attached program).
The event is part of the close relationship STOA and the STS forum have developed over the years. STOA informs Members and committees of the European Parliament about new and emerging developments in science and technology, and supports their legislative work with the provision of relevant policy options, based on technology assessment and scientific foresight. The STS forum, like STOA, explores the potential of science and technology to tackle the multitude of today's global challenges, where international collaboration is vital.
Participants interested in this event should send an e-mail to stsworkshop_europe [at] (stsworkshop_europe[at]stsforum[dot]org) including following details:
- Full name of the representative (LAST NAME, First name, Title: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.)
- Job title/Function in Oranization
- Organization name
- E-mail address
- Telephone number (including country code).
They will then receive a formal invitation which will be sent from the mailbox of the STS forum and will contain instructions for formally registering to this event. Please note that these invitations will be sent on a first-come, first-serve basis, within the physical limit of seats.
Please note that while the participation to this Workshop is free of charge, there will be no financial support available for participants' travel or accommodation costs.
Thank you very much for your interest and cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you to our meeting and listening to your views during the discussions