6th Romanian Cluster Conference: Smart Clusters. Value Chains. Business Driven Innovation

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 27 September 2017

22nd - 23rd November, 2017

The conference is sailing under three flags “Interreg Europe CLUSTERIX 2.0”, 6th National Romanian Cluster Conference and the 8th Balkan & Black Sea Cluster Conference.

Smart Clusters. Value Chains. Business Driven Innovation 

Innovation actors are facing a change of paradigm as they move in more and more complex environments where government, university and companies meet civil society within an open innovation ecosystem.

Clusters have the potential of shaping up the new ecosystems and becoming main drivers of innovation changes with positive implications on industrial processes.

Furthermore, especially clusters in the Eastern Danube, Balkan & Black Sea Regions face the challenge of becoming active dialogue actors in the process of defining and monitoring regional smart specialisation, while positioning themselves along global value chains where competitive advantages are given by business driven innovation.

The conference of this year aims to open the door and give glance on future developments which will set the innovation agenda for the years to come.

The event enjoys the presence of eminent representatives of European organizations, national and international clusters, research institutes, universities and companies, renowned experts.

Brokerage Event B2B, C2C

In addition to the high scientific and informative character, the conference will also have a strong practical side facilitating bilateral business meetings between participating national and international companies and clusters via the brokerage event session conducted with the support of Enterprise Europe Network.

Please visit the event website  for more information. Registration link is available here.

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