5th Cluster Matchmaking Conference: Bringing Cluster Collaboration to the Next Level

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 28 April 2017

Registration is now open for the 5th Cluster Matchmaking Conference: Bringing Cluster Collaboration to the Next Level. 

For the 5th time BSR Stars hosts the Cluster Matchmaking Conference. After five years with cluster matchmaking and cluster internationalisation (through Innovation Express) it is time to bring cluster collaboration to the next level. The Cluster Matchmaking Conference offers excellent matchmaking opportunities with Europe’s leading cluster organisations, lot’s of networking opportunities and a thrilling interactive programme in a vibrant and learning atmosphere. 

The Cluster Matchmaking Conference is coordinated with the BSR Stars Innovation Express call, that offers funding for clusters to catalyse new cross-cluster collaboration and operational projects with their members. The success of the concept over time has led to the expansion of geographies interested in this approach. This year the German region Baden-Württemberg joins the BSR Stars team. Therefore the Cluster Matchmaking Conference takes place at the House of Economy in Stuttgart.

The event takes place on September 21-22, 2017 in Stuttgart, Germany. See more here. Please see attached invitation.

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