2nd OPEN CALL - ClusterXchange visit in Poland on 17th -19th October 2023

Submitted by Katarzyna Wlaź on 20 September 2023

Green tech Call to Poland _1

Poznań Science and Technology Park participates in the GreenTech 2.0 project, which aims to strengthen cooperation within the ecosystems of cluster organizations and support SMEs in taking advantage of development opportunities in the area of green technologies. International cooperation between organizations affiliated with the cluster ecosystem is facilitated thanks to the ClusterXChange program. The ClusterXChange program assumes 100 international exchanges between ecosystem participants.
Poznan Science and Technology Park in collaboration with MTP Group in Poznań is offering a unique opportunity to sign up for a three-day visit to Poland on 17th -19th October, 2023.

The call for visiting Poland is open until 23 September 2023.
This three-day visit aims to help foreign green tech actors to start mutually beneficial collaborations with relevant Polish partners. The first day of the visit includes a comprehensive overview of the MTP activities for matchmaking business partnerships in the field of environmental solutions and other intermediaries helping companies in green transformation. The second day provides an opportunity to meet companies at POLECO trade fair in Poznań. On the last day, our guests will be invited to participate in a co-creation workshop Environmental challenges for the urban ecosystems dedicated to sharing experiences and brainstorming ideas for new solutions, including joint projects. In addition, the participants will learn about the practical aspects of doing business in Poland and good practices of companies entering the Polish market in respect of complying to environmental regulations.
Target groups:
• SMEs interested in the green transformation, who want to gain knowledge about trends and learn about good practices in the field of green solutions (especially nature based) in urban areas, recycling, and establishing business relationships.
• Enterprises, primarily GreenTech SMEs, i.e. based on new technological solutions that could contribute to identifying solutions in the examples/cases presented in the agenda.
• Researchers, public organisations, NGOs, technology parks and intermediaries in building innovative partnerships and obtaining financing.

What do we offer?
• Participation in a three-day program in Poland:
o Visits to institutions supporting companies in the implementation of ESG regulation in Poland.
o Participation in the international POLECO fair.
o Co-creation workshop on project ideas for blue & green solutions for companies operating in urban areas.
o Information about entering the Polish market: focus on environment protection requirements.
• Co-financing the costs of the visit in the form of a lump sum of EUR 305.
• Support in completing the formalities and help on-site.

Participants' seats are limited – APPLY HERE
More information about the program: GreenTech 2.0
Documents related to the program: ClusterXchange IT Tool User Manual
Contact: katarzyna.wlaz@ppnt.poznan.pl

This project is funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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Cluster organisation
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