Is your Region a Vanguard Initiative Member? If yes the New Nano-enabled Products Pilot invites you to take part in its next Plenary Meeting

Submitted by Fabrizio Ciarmatori on 03 October 2018

The New Nano-enabled Products Pilot within the Vanguard Initiative ( will hold a Plenary Meeting on 12-13 November 2018 in Bologna, Italy.

Currently, this Vanguard pilot has developed three democases, one on Nano-Enabled Micro Systems for Bio Analysis, a second on Nanowires for ICT and Energy Applications, and the last one on Nano-Enabled Printed Electronics which are led by IMECRI.SE  and KIT respectively.

The plenary meeting will give the opportunity to interact, debate and work together with other key-players of the Europen Nanotechnology Landscape for joining the existing democases and/or starting-up new ones. Moreover, a keynote speech will present the Italian Network for Micro and Nano Fabrication (It-fab) and the EuroNanoLab initiative and site vists to Bologna University (CIRI MM) and to CNR research area (ISMN - IMM - ISOF) will be organised to get real taste of research laboratories dedicated to nanotechnologies.

The meeting would be a great opportunity for clusters since the operative approach the Pilot has adopted in the field of new nano-enabled products.

Who should attend? Clusters, Businesses (start-ups, scale-ups, SMEs and mid-caps, large companies) Research & Technology Organisations, Regional Development Agencies located in a Member Region of the Vanguard Initiative.

The Pilot could reimburse travel and accommodation costs - up to a certain limit - for a number of participants representing industry and research organizations - including clusters - who are interested in playing an active role in the agenda, such as presenting innovative idea in the pitching and matchmaking sessions.

More details about the agenda, the venue and the sessions are available at this link

Registrations are now open! Fill in the online registration form by clicking here. (Deadline: 12 October 2018)

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