X-Industry Hackathons - inauguration in Poland

Submitted by Katarzyna Rull Quesada (Kowalska) on 17 July 2019

On 26th June, 2019 the inauguration of regional X-Industry Hackathons took place in Warsaw, Poland. Organized by UNIMOS Foundation, coordinator of AgroBioCluster, the event was held at the premises of the Agency for Industrial Development (ARP) and gathered representatives of private, public, academic and non-governmental institutions involved in  digitalization of food & packaging sectors towards Industry 4.0. 

Th inauguration had several sessions:

  • official opening by Anna Bialik and Katarzyna Kowalska from UNIMOS Foundation and Paweł Kolczyński, Vice-President of Agency for Industrial Development (ARP);
  • keynote speech related to Industry 4.0 by Emilio Rull Quesada, Ambassador of OnGranada in Poland;
  • international session of good practices and experience exchange related to x-industry hackathons in Latvia and Lithuania by Ira Racina (Latvian IT Cluster), Giedrius Bagusinskas (LITMEA) and Kristina Rakauskaite (LISPA);
  • pitching session with presentation of digital solutions for food & packaging sectors: Tomasz Bober (SiSeth), Piotr Warzybok (Polish Technological Platform on Photonics) and ID Norway;
  • interactive workshops focused on new business models and digitalization of food and packaging sectors carried out by Piotr Nejman (Direct People) and Agnieszka Sznyk (INNOWO). 

and starts pioneer program of catalysing digital solutions in food & packaging companies to boost their competitiveness and innovativeness. 

DIGICLUSTERS is a novel European Strategic Cluster Partnership for smart specialization investments and industrial modernisation of agrofood & packaging sectors towards Industry 4.0 and digital transformation through pioneer concept of Cluster-Facilitated X-Industry Hackathons. The project is funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.

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