WEBINAR NO3 | Shared value through clusters
Introduction to cluster excellence
and ESCA labelling system
The labelling process is a very intense process. It starts way before the evaluation. You will need human resources to prepare the documentation and to attend the evaluation. It is an investment of time, as well. Only the preparation takes usually around 50 and up to 100 hours in some cases. And it can also be financially expensive. Significant preparation is required. Any statement must be demonstrated with documentation.
BUT! It goes beyond a certification. It is a learning journey.
In this webinar we will see the origin of the ESCA labelling process and the characteristics of each label: the bronze, the silver, and the gold.
The promotion of entrepreneurship
in the cluster ecosystem
The session is called "promoting entrepreneurship in the cluster ecosystem." The main objective and how we would like the session to be focused would be:
Know the work Eatable Adventures is doing and the way they work / projects / activities you do.
The importance of entrepreneurship especially in the times that we find ourselves from a general vision.
Explain how from a cluster ecosystem this entrepreneurship can be promoted / coordinated / facilitated.
Shared Value through clusters
Shared Value through clusters: Dissemination of the shared value concept and its potential advantages to create new businesses and modify the current business strategies through inclusive businesses. This webinar is divided:
In a first section a theoretical framework is provided. Different authors and currents of thought are cited that have contributed knowledge in the field of shared value. Also, how is new capitalism and how is it evolving towards this idea of shared value.
The second section explains what shared value is, what it brings and how it differs substantially from corporate social responsibility. At the same time, different local and international business cases are presented that exemplify the concept. Also, the B Corp audit is presented as a certificate of recognition by companies that implement the ideals of shared value in their company.
The third section introduces the relationship between shared value and clusters through different initiatives carried out from Catalonia.