We present MSE Cluster Ltd

Submitted by Stefano Orengo on 15 July 2020

The cluster form is very popular in Hungary but only one sport cluster exists, the MSE Cluster Ltd., and it is also among the few in Eastern Europe. MSE is an ambitious organization and is eager to learn as it would like to expand their activities, services and area of operation both at national and international level.

MSE Hungarian Sport- and Lifestyle Development Cluster is one of the 25 accredited clusters in Hungary gathering 33 members (SMEs, university, research institutions, sport clubs, media etc.). MSE Cluster Ltd. (one of the 5 partners in the project along with Indescat, Sports and Technology, Cluster Montagne and EPSI), is the management organization of the Hungarian Sport- and Lifestyle Development Cluster. The cluster boosts the cooperation of the public sphere (e.g. universities and other state institutions) and SMEs in Research & Development and technology development for sports and health. It fosters the performance of the created innovation eco-systems by nursing innovation transfer from the idea to the product, which helps to maximize the benefits for all. It also facilitates new cooperation schemes between the members including the creation of new business opportunities for its members. One of the main goal of the cluster is to obtain Silver Label.

MSE Cluster has ambitious future goals including expanding services, gaining new members, strengthening the collaboration within and outside the cluster (involving the university and SMEs). One of their tools they apply to achieve these is to regularly organize thematic workshops.

MSE Cluster has been the member of EPSI – European Platform for Sport Innovation since 2015, and this membership helped the cluster in international presence and be part of international collaboration letting them to learn about European innovation, which can be adapted in its future operation.

The organization is currently taking part in the Interreg Europe Programme INNO4SPORTS. The aim is to influence the chosen policy instrument (Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme) in order to give more support to SMEs to access the market with their innovative products/services. It gives a chance to the cluster to cooperate with businesses at international level and to bring innovation to the region. The project also helps to provide recommendations to the Ministry of Finance (the Managing Authority of the INNO4SPORTS project) in order that sport is embedded in national and regional policy.

SmartSports4GoodLife project is an excellent opportunity for the cluster to improve their services, management capacities and skills, and learn about new possibilities, trends, ideas including sustainability and circular economy, which plays more and more important role at SMEs. The major role of the cluster in the project is to survey the real needs of members and based on the results build new services and designate new directions.

With the help of the project the MSE Cluster would like to intensify the communication and cooperation among their members to be competitive on international markets in order to provide services also in other European countries beside Hungary. From that reason it is very important to initiate new services, like apps, thematic workshops, new communication channels, improving the website, involving members in projects both at national and international levels.

MSE Cluster’s specific role in SmartSports4GoodLife project is to promote health and vitality, and facilitate the transfer of knowledge between clusters from the more developed to the less developed – to exchange know-how, best practices and strengthen the process towards excellence. Moreover, the representatives of the cluster will present the organization on international fairs and exhibitions in the field of sports.

More information: Tamás Dékán, Managing Director of the Cluster – dekan.tamas [at] debrecenisportcentrum.hu (dekan[dot]tamas[at]debrecenisportcentrum[dot]hu)

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