The Water Cluster launches Energy and Water SME survey and database - invites all clusters to colloborate

Submitted by Michael Green on 25 May 2016

The Water Cluster is the coordinator of the Energy in Water (EnW) European Strategic Cluster PartnershipGoing international (ESCPs-4i) which aims to support and harness the growth and innovation potential of European SMEs working across the energy-water 'Nexus’. 

EnW will provide an online interactive portal and database of SMEs and other organisations working within and across sectors relevant to the Nexus. Members can upload details of their own organisation and query others, look for potential partners based on complementary expertise and experience, showcase and comment on technologies they and other organisations have developed and interact with other organisations at a national and international level.

The project leaders invite you to complete the Energy in Water ESCP survey which is available here:

This survey has been prepared to showcase and learn more about the type of organisations working across the sectors underpinning the energy-water Nexus. The results of this survey will be used to identify potential challenges and innovation priority areas, as well as support these organisations to access potential funders and strategic international markets.

The survey can be saved part way through and takes around 10 minutes to compete, the survey will close at 17:00 GMT/18:00 CET on Friday 3rd of June 2016.

The Energy in Water website will launch in June 2016 and will be accessible at

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