Virtual Demo lab to share innovative solutions on robotics and artificial intelligence
Yesterday, a Demo lab on robotics and artificial intelligence was held online in the framework of the EACN project. It was organized by CEAGA with the aim of bringing closer the latest technologies in this field to automotive companies, and especially to those SMEs already involved in the project.
This Demo Lab complements the matchmaking event on this topic organized in October last year, where SMEs from different European regions could share their needs or problems, look for synergies and identify collaboration opportunities. As a result of that, two joint projects emerged: one of them is related to the application of artificial intelligence for visual control and the development of robotic solutions for soft touch operations and the other one consists of using cobots in the assembly process to improve productivity and product quality.
After introducing the background of the EACN initiative and general information about these two joint projects, the Demo Lab attendants could know several industrial applications in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, presented by two Spanish experts: on one hand, Unimate Robótica, focused its presentation in flexible automated systems, showing multiple solutions like 3D bin picking, AGVs and cobots. On the other hand, the company TechEye explained how to successfully implement artificial intelligence in industry and the huge potential of this tool to deal with highly complicated tasks like parts recognition or quality control.
All this information has been very helpful for companies to get an idea of which solutions could better meet their specific needs and solve the problems identified at their plants, opening future opportunities for collaboration among automotive SMEs and these two technology suppliers.
This Demo Lab attracted the interest of more than 20 participants, including not only the clusters involved in the project consortium (and their companies) but also representatives from the enlarged EACN partnership.