URBAN INNO released the Open Toolbox of Smart Particpatory Methods and Tools
The Toolbox of Smart urban innovation participatory methods & tools was developed in the framework of the project “URBAN INNO – Utilizing innovation potential of urban ecosystems” to support urban innovation processes in cities of Central Europe. CyberForum e.V. is project partner and contributed especially to the adaptation of the tool to the "World Café" participatory method.
The toolbox should serve as a supporting mechanism to quadruple-helix urban innovation clusters at their collaboration with stakeholders and end-users. Project was supported by the Interreg Central Europe programme and supports collaboration of partners from eight Central European countries.
The toolbox of Smart urban innovation participatory methods & tools is a unique tool that will help you engage end-users (citizens, consumers) into urban innovation process (developing urban development strategies, smart urban solutions, services or technologies).
Have a look to the toolbox here, and start to use it!
Meanwhile the 9 different URBAN INNO pilots started to test several methods. Check out results and events here.