Turin hosted the 1st Stage of DIA Tour
Turin hosted the 1st Stage of DIA Tour :14th september 2018
On 14th September 2018 DIA joined the INTERNATIONAL NETWORKING TOWARDS DIGITAL INDUSTRIES BEST PRACTICES & GRANTS (Turin, Italy) hosted by Mesap innovation Cluster where more than 200 people joined a day dedicated to the industry 4.0 with premises speeches like Telecom, SKF and the MTC Manufacturing Technology Centre of Coventry (UK).
After the authorities welcome, the event has been divided in 3 main sessions :
The first session has been dedicated to the Digital Strategy in Europe to foster SMEs Digital Transformation and Growth and the Road to Digitalisation, drafting Trends and Needs in the European Ecosystem and also pointed out on the SMEs needs barriers and opportunities provided by DIA and IoT4Industry analysis;
the second session has been focused on the launch of the IoT4Industry “Call for Collaborative Projects” the 30 months initiative in the framework of H2020 offering 4 million Euros of funding support to foster collaboration between IoT solutions providers and industrials (OPEN CALL on 20th September 2018 ).
The third session in the afternoon has been dedicated to BtoB meetings : thanks to the 87 meetings SMEs had the possibilities to meet companies /end users both for commercial and collaborative aims: IoT4Industry in fact support SMEs able to realize innovative projects together with other entities ( details on the CALL here)
The INTERNATIONAL NETWORKING TOWARDS DIGITAL INDUSTRIES BEST PRACTICES & GRANTS was part of a two-days event organized in coOperation with IoT4Industry and Silicon Europe Alliance to foster SMEs in their digital transformation: the 3 projects encount 26 clusters and more than 4000 members! A great occsion tfor DIA to get in contact with a relevant european ecosystem.
DIA also proposed and promoted together with Mesap Innovation Cluster a plant visit on 13th September 2018 to discover the personal road to digitalization started by Olsa SpA plant a company based in Turin that since 40’s has been producing lighting for cars and trucks (rear lamps, dome lamps, number plate lights…). A chance for DIA to "learn on the job" what represents companies' digital transformation thanks to the second part of the meeting dedicated to the plant visit.
DIA members are glad to invite you to the second european stage of its tour in Aveiro, 19th October 2018 : details soon!
Stay tuned, #gofourther!
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