Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System (TRIMIS)

Submitted by Aleta Paulauskaite on 21 March 2023


The Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System provides open-access information on transport research and innovation. TRIMIS supports the implementation of transport policies of the European Union and at the Member States level and helps the development and monitoring of the Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA). TRIMIS analyses technology trends and research and innovation capacities in the European transport sector.

TRIMIS covers multiple transport-related fields:

  • Connected and automated transport (CAT): Technologies can contribute to increasing the efficiency and safety of the transport system. They can improve traffic flows, optimise infrastructure and public transport use, and foster multimodal transport solutions. In general, CAT can support the competitiveness of European transport manufacturing, telecom and IT industries in international markets, and enable the development of new passenger and freight services.
  • Transport electrification (ELT): can contribute to breaking transport dependency on oil and decrease carbon dioxide emissions. The increasingly decarbonised electricity generation will provide cleaner electricity to propel electric vehicles. Electric vehicles will be able to provide storage services to the grid, favouring further expansion of renewables.
  • Low-emission alternative energy for transport (ALT): Electric batteries are now seen as a viable option for many road vehicles. However, aviation, waterborne transport and certain heavy-duty road vehicles are likely to rely on combustion engines and liquid fuels for the foreseeable future.
  • Smart mobility and services (SMO): smart mobility systems and services can contribute to the decarbonisation of the European transport sector. Changes in transport behaviour and lifestyles such as the use of smartphones, mobile web applications and social media together with the trend to use rather than own a particular means of transport have opened up new pathways to sustainable mobility.
  • Transport infrastructure (INF): comprises the basic physical facilities and installations necessary for the operation of the road, rail, civil aviation, inland waterways and shipping. Infrastructure also comprises the additional infrastructure necessary for the propulsion and refuelling of transport vehicles, for the coordination, monitoring and management of transport; to ensure secure and safe operations; and for the transfer of passengers and freight.
  • Network and traffic management systems (NTM):  are used for the optimisation and management of transport networks’ operation. Bottlenecks across air, rail, road and water can result in system-wide capacity constraints, traffic jams and increased pollutant emissions and environmental impacts.
  • Vehicle design and manufacturing (VDM): transport vehicle design, development and manufacturing is a collaborative, integrated and complex set of processes and tools that consider the whole vehicle life-cycle and is a key element for the competitiveness of the European transport industry. Continuous research and innovation are necessary for the seamless integration of digital and physical vehicle design and manufacturing processes, tools and infrastructures.

You can access the TRIMIS website and database HERE.

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