Three new affiliated entities for AdPack
Three new affiliated entities (Omnipack First Hungarian Cluster of Packaging Technology - Hungary, Packaging Cluster - Spain, TICE.PT – Portugal) signed during the last 2 month a project partnership agreement. After more than one year of project duration, the AdPack project has now 12 signed project partnership agreements with clusters from 9 different European countries and from 7 different technology fields.
CzechBio – Association of Czech Biotech Companies (Czech Republic)
HTI Cluster – Hi-Tech innovation cluster (Czech Republic)
IND-AGRO-POL Cluster – Technical Equipments Construction for Agriculture and Food Industry and in related sectors (Romania)
SEVE – Greek International Business Association, largest association of exporting companies in Greece (Greece)
VITARTIS – Food Industry Cluster of Castilla y León (Spain)
Matikem – Materials, chemical and Green Chemical Cluster (France)
Chemical Cluster „Green Chemistry” (Poland)
Paper Province, Forest bioeconomy cluster (Sweden)
STAR Research & Innovation Cluster (Czech Republic)
OMNIPACK First Hungarian Cluster of Packaging Technology (Hungary)
Packaging Cluster (Spain)
Associação para o Pólo das Tecnologias de Informação, Comunicação e Electronica TICE.PT (Portugal)
These project partnership agreements are the basis for the AdPack ESCP Partnership Agreement. European Strategic Cluster Partnership (ESCP) was launched in 2012 by DG Enterprise. The goal of the ESCP is to strengthen cooperation between clusters and cluster members across Europe and in long-term beyond Europe. Another important target will be to intensify the internationalisation of cluster SME through the ESCP to develop more competitive SME and also cluster in Europe and worldwide. The principal aim of this ESCP is to develop and implement a joint international strategy including a list of strategic partners and an implementation roadmap.
To define AdPack ESCP legal structure and elaborate the AdPack ESCP Partnership Agreement, a legal structure is a crucial aspect of every ESCP. This structure should be the most suitable in order to secure the transparency of the management, administrative and fiscal processes, identification of the partners involved, statement of mission vision and common goals, description of the services to be implemented, definition of the processes to grow the partner base, protection of intellectual property etc. The development of the AdPack ESCP (with legal structure) should include the participation of all partners and affiliated entities to the AdPack project.