The team wraps up the final details of the open call at the meeting in Germany
The Fraunhofer IPT headquarters in Aachen (Germany) was the meeting point for the project members on 22 and 23 November. After five months of project life, the partners were able to meet face-to-face and work together on each of the packages into which SURE5.0 is divided.
For the team, the most important point that was discussed on this day was undoubtedly the implementation of the cascade funding call that will be launched next month. Thanks to this meeting, the final details of how it will be organised and the conditions of the projects that SMEs will carry out to adapt to Industry 5.0 were openly discussed.
Finally, thanks to the collaboration and work done by the partners, it was agreed that the first open call of the project will be launched on the 15th of December. On this day, full information will be announced on the project website together with the assessment tool: the first step for SMEs to access the eligible funds where they can obtain up to €50,000 per company.
The SURE5.0 project and its members will continue to work week by week to achieve the objective of supporting SMEs in the mobility, aerospace and electronics ecosystems in their processes of adaptation to Industry 5.0.
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