SURE5.0 has created a new community on LinkedIn focused on Industry 5.0
The SURE5.0 project partners are launching a new community on the LinkedIn social network with the aim of bringing together all those interested in Industry 5.0.
This SURE5.0 Community of Practice Alliance is aimed at SMEs, technology providers, national and European support networks, centres, initiatives, and other stakeholders interested in this new industry 5.0. Anyone with a LinkedIn profile can apply to join this community through this link:
Community members will benefit, among other things, from connecting with other professionals, companies, suppliers, or initiatives focused on a common theme. In addition, they will receive exclusive project information, such as presentations or webinar documents and invitations to specialised workshops (peer learning activities).
Member SMEs will be able to meet industry groups, specialists, or larger companies to collaborate with through networking and mentoring activities. They will also be able to connect directly with service providers through matchmaking events or learn about best practices of digital transformation 5.0 in their ecosystem.