Summary of the online workshops

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 09 April 2019

On 13th March and 4th April 2019, the online workshops of the European project EACN were held in each of the partners’ headquarters. The aim of these workshops was to share the ideas, problems and experiences of SMEs with the Clusters.

The topics on which the workshops were based were the main topics of the project: the first workshop dealt with virtualisation and elasticity of production processes, and the second workshop on April 4 was about robotics, artificial intelligence and skills 4.0 competencies. These topics were covered in the online part of the event, where each partner leading a specific topic talked about experiences, good practices and examples of current use. 

Pôle Véhicule du Futur (France), lead partner of the project, was in charge of virtualization; the Automotive Cluster of Serbia dealt with elasticity of production processes, the Automotive Industry Cluster of Catalonia (Spain) was in charge of robotics and Silesian Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing (Poland) was in charge of 4.0 competencies.

In the offline part of the workshops, each cluster had time to discuss with the attending SMEs the topics presented in each workshop. The aim was to obtain first-hand and close information on the current situation of the companies in order to locate the common needs and interests of the companies at European level, as well as to know where each one of them is.

The next step in the project is the creation of thematic workshops, on the same topics, from the information obtained in these two events mentioned and in the audits that will be carried out to 50 SMEs. The first of these thematic workshops is planned for Monday 13 May on robotics.

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