Successful joint final event Connsensys - online - 26/10/2020

Submitted by Gus Verhaeghe on 29 October 2020

Last Monday 26 October 106 participants from 20 countries joined the online final event of Connsensys

The conference was organized as a joint event between 3 COSME-ESCP.S3 project in the agri-food value chain: CONNSENSY, TRACK and DIGICLUSTERS.



Project presentations with final results and learnings

Discussion round 1: 

  • Digitalization in Agrifood and Food industry: lessons learnt, key-messages and recommendations. see video

Discussion round 2: Next steps and long-term cooperation opportunities.

Conclusions by EASME Project Officer. see video

Between the project presentations and after each discussion session real-time networking interactions were organised in parallel breakout rooms. Via a live interaction platform direct feedback was gathered from the people in the audience. 

The final event was closed by Project Officer Marta Caruda who gave a glimpse on the upcoming support actions for clusters.

Despite the unusual situation this event has been successfully in presenting the final outcomes and recommendations while as well establishing good interaction with and between the audience.


Cluster organisation
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