Successful CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace will organize its last webinar on funding opportunities

Submitted by Josep Casamada on 22 February 2021


More than 175 participants have already registered to the CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace: Towards industry 4.0 in the textile industry which started on January 20th and will last until February 24th with a total of 6 webinars and 6 matchmaking sessions.

 The event is organized by the European Cluster Strategic Partnership for Excellence, CLAMTEX - Cluster management towards excellence in Advanced Manufacturing and Textile Industry. , led by the cluster on advanced textile materials in Catalonia, AEI TÈXTILS.

Over the past weeks, CLAMTEX has organized already 5 webinars dedicated to the digitalization of the textile sector.

The first webinar held on January 20th focused on inspirational stories to embrace the digitalization of the sector. The next 4 webinars were organized in specific challenges including “Digital solutions for integrated industrial management applied in the textile industry” (Jan 27th), Automation and sensitization solutions for performance improvement” (Feb 3rd), followed by “Robots in industry” (Feb 10th) and “The potential of virtual reality in industry” (Feb 17th). During the technical webinars, 21 organizations have presented their cases, including 5 success stories, 9 textile progress and future challenges and 7 advanced manufacturing solutions over the last 4 weeks.

On Wednesday February 24th, the program reaches its end with the last webinar about different funding opportunities for SMEs in the textile and advanced manufacturing fields.

The webinar will include a first block presenting the general programs for SMEs from the European Commission including the new framework program Horizon Europe, the EIC Accelerator program and two programs supporting SME scale-up: InvestEU and Single Market Programme.

The second block will focus on specific European funding programs for textile and advanced manufacturing companies including the EIT Manufacturing, and the cascade funding programs of GALACTICA and ELIIT.

In case you missed it, you can watch the previous webinars:

-          Day 1: Towards Industry 4.0

-          Day 2: Digital solutions for integrated industrial management applied in the textile industry

-          Day 3: Automation and sensitization solutions for performance improvement

-          Day 4: Robots in industry

-          Day 5: The potential of virtual reality in industry

You can still register for the last webinar:

The CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace is part of the ClusterXchange program implemented by CLAMTEX with EU-TEXTILE2030 EEIG as host to foster cross-regional collaboration among cluster members.

CLAMTEX is one out of 13 funded Strategic Partnerships for Excellence consortiums at European level. It is composed by five clusters, AEI TÈXTILS in Catalonia, ATEVAL in Valencia, PRODUTECH and the Textile Cluster both in Portugal and EMC2 in France.


The project, co-funded under the COSME program from the European Union, aims to strengthen cluster management excellence to boost the specialized technical textile innovation eco-system by promoting the cross-sectoral and cross-regional collaboration to facilitate the uptake of digitalization within and beyond the partnership.


CLAMTEX is also implementing the ClusterXchange pilot scheme to facilitate SME international experiences across Europe for generating business and innovation opportunities.


More information:

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