Study by EIB: Clusters are drivers for digital transformation

Submitted by Frank Boesenberg on 04 October 2018

According to a Study by the European Investment Bank (EIB), Technology clusters such as Silicon Saxony, Minalogic or DSP Valley are key supporting players for the photonics and semiconductor sectors, which are essential Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) and represent important building blocks of the next digital revolution.

The study study provides an insightful view of the key issues and challenges for these sectors in 9 precise findings, backed by e.g. interviews with relevant actors. It lays out a comprehensive and concrete set of 5 recommendations on how to improve access to finance and mobilising capital to exploit the full potential of the important technological knowledge available in Europe. The study gives concrete ideas that would make funding more accessible for companies in early stages and improve availability of capital in the critical scale-up phase. The recommendations underline the importance of enhancing coordination between EU and local initiatives and promote the development of an enhanced and joined-up ecosystem for KETs innovation.

The full study can be downloaded here:

Cluster organisation
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