SPACE2IDGO signed MoU with Colombian partners
Corallia and Aerospace Valley clusters, two SPACE2IDGO members were in Bogota the 15th and 16th of January 2020 to make the signature of MoU with Colombian stakeholders concrete.
- The project has signed an agreement with the Associacion Colombiana de Productores Aerospaciales (ACOPAER) that focus on developping bilateral activities between the SPACE2IDGO partnership and the ACOPAER members. The Associacion Colombiana de Productores Aerospaciales aims to promote the integration, development, growth and organisation of the Colombian aerospace industry, representing its members in front of the Government, the national and international industry, as well as, promoting research and development in the sector.
- The project has also signed a partnership with the Scientific Committee of the Aerospace Sector in Colombia (COCSAE) which is an initiative leads by professors from several Colombian universities, engineers and business people interested in fostering aerospace projects in Colombia. COCSAE will support public and private entities in the industry and academia as well, by counselling the new participants in the creation and execution of their aerospace-related projects.
With both agreements SPACE2IDGO hopes to foster the cooperation between aerospace public and private stakeholders from Europe and Colombia. These MoU should also be the opportunities for our SMEs to develop joint R&D projects and enter the Colombian space markets.
Cluster organisation