SPACE2IDGO final press release
Space2IDGO, the fast-track internationalization project (January 2018 – March 2020), has contributed to boost European space service providers and application developers’ access beyond Europe.
The project, with a duration of 27 months, is co-funded by the the European Union’s COSME Programme.
The project has selected 13 European SMEs to export in 5 third countries.
Space2IDGO has consolidated the ambitions to go international stronger and faster by proposing an innovative support towards SMEs willing to go international, helping to disseminate the added value of space data in MELCA value chains and developing business between European SMEs and new abroad partners and customers.
The Project, that ends now, has offered to European SMEs – in particular space service providers, application developers or working in MELCA sectors and looking to develop a service using space-based technologies or data-, a whole internationalization process in cooperation with Price Waterhouse and Cooper (PwC).
The fast-track to internationalization programmes has involved several steps:
- 12 enterprise’s diagnosis with analysis of its internationalization level with recommendations
- 8 Webinars on «How to go global », on targeted « Country markets » (United Arab Emirates, Canada, China, Chile and Colombia), and on «Intellectual property rights in Latin America»
- 3 matchmaking missions organised in Canada, in United Arab Emirates and in Chile involving 10 SMEs
- Debriefing after mission and follow-up process for each SME
- Final diagnosis to analyze the evolution for each SME
To know more about our project and how it will continue: see the
SPACE2IDGO_final press release.pdfand check out our website: