SPACE2ID Go-International workshops in February 2017
SPACE2ID partners are organising five local Go-International workshops for cross-sectoral fertilisation among space and non-space sectors that will take place in February 2017 in France-Poland, Italy, Spain, Greece and Belgium with the following planning:
France/Poland: Space + Mobility - 24th February 2017
Spain: Space+ Energy - 15th February 2017
Belgium: Space + Logistics - 9th February 2017
Greece: Space + Creative Industries - 10th February 2017
Italy: Space + Agriculture - w/c 13th February 2017
These workshops will build on the outcomes of the previous events and deliverables that SPACE2ID partners have developed in the framework of this project since January 2016 to promote cross-sectoral collaboration through the development of Dual Communities involving the space sector and the MELCA sectors (Mobility, Energy, Logistics, Creative Industries, Agriculture). They are part of a set of activities that have been designed to understand the markets and trends in the chosen diversification sectors, giving particular attention to the prospects in terms of technology evolution needed for each sector, to achieve mutual understanding about space and non-space sectors challenges and prospects.
Complementing the conclusions reached after the Diversification Workshops that the partners organised in March, April and May 2016, the planned workshops will serve as a critical point to receive community feedback on SPACE2ID Internationalisation Strategy plan and Implementation Roadmap. They will also contribute to disseminate and create a plan to utilise deliverables such as the “Analysis of global markets and trends in MELCA sectors”, “MELCA Market Opportunities for Space Technologies”, “Space Assets and Suppliers for MELCA Needs”, “New Competences of Space Suppliers for MELCA sectors”, “Recommendations to Space Clusters”, “Profiles of External Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations”, and “Templates for Collaboration Agreements”.
The strategic cooperation started by SPACE2ID as one of the chartered ESCP-4i (European Strategic Cluster Partnership – Going International) will be further enriched in the framework of the wider alliance named Space4Globe that the partners have created through a long lasting partnership agreement. The ultimate aim is to foster the commercial spread of space products, promoting the process of transferring the space technologies into key commercial sectors (MELCA sectors) by means of the creation of value added services that will foster the growth in the MELCA sectors and, at the same time, the creation of new business opportunities for space clusters.