Solartys hosts the Study Visit of the CLUSGRID Project
Solartys, Spanish Solar Energy Cluster, in collaboration with EDA, Development Agency of Poland, organized the Study Visit of the project CLUSGRID last 6th and 7th November in Barcelona, funded by the European Cluster Excellence program. The visit, composed by twelve clusters belonging to different European countries: Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, France and several regions of Spain (Catalonia, Aragon and the Canary Islands), aimed to offer attendees - all of them cluster managers - a global vision about the ecosystem of clusters in Catalonia and Spain, and foster the exchange of good practices.
It should be noted that the members of the INNODROP project were invited to join the CLUSGRID project delegation, another winning project of the same line, with what was intended to increase the impact of the study, provide a greater dimension to the trip and lay the foundations for a future collaboration between both projects.
During the visit, the members of the consortium had the opportunity to learn about Clusters policy in Catalonia from Emma Vendrell, of ACCIÓ, to study first-hand several clusters of very different typology, both by topics, by origin and by structure. As well as this, the group had the chance to learn in depth about Solartys and its ecosystem of clusters. Finally, several of Solartys members were invited to share their experience as cluster partners.
About the CLUSGRID Project
This Study Visit is part of the activities planned within the CLUSGRID project, whose objective is the creation of strategic alliances of clusters at a European level around the value chain of Smart Grids and to provide them with more and better tools to improve the competitiveness of European SMEs.
About the Cluster Excellence program
The Cluster Excellence program aims to create World Class Clusters across the EU by supporting the excellence of clusters. The European Commission launched in 2009 the European Cluster Excellence Initiative - ECEI
About Solartys ─
Solartys, Cluster for the Internationalization and Innovation of Spanish Solar Energy Companies, has been working since 2009 with companies from all over Spain related to the fields of solar energy and energy efficiency. The cluster plays a key role in promoting the internationalization and competitiveness of its members, with the support of the Spanish Government, regional autonomous organizations and the European Union.
Contact person:
Alba Álvarez
Cluster Manager
Tel. +34 93 182 88 13 / aalvarez [at] (aalvarez[at]secartys[dot]org)