The SmartCTClusters project for the collaboration of clusters and SMEs at European level in the field of Smart City gets underway
The aim of this project is to develop a collaborative network on the Smart City paradigm: mobility, energy,
environment and information and communication technologies.
The “Smart CiTies through smart Clustering striving for Excellence” project involves five European
clusters operating in the field of Smart Cities from four countries (Germany, Spain, Bulgaria and
Italy) and aims to develop a common strategy to support the development of Smart Cities through the
exchange of best practices and the identification of innovative models of support to the clusters member
Start-ups and small and medium enterprises will be involved in the project, as they will be able to
participate in missions and study visits and take advantage of the growth opportunities emerging from
collaboration with other European clusters and SMEs (e.g. networking, exchange of know-how and good
practices, development of joint projects, follow-up of a matchmaking event, etc.).
The project is one of the 13 European Strategic Partnerships for Excellence (ESCP-4X) selected under the
last call for proposals of the European Cluster Excellence Programme (COS-CLUSTER-2018-03-02). The
ESCP-4X partnerships gather 69 cluster organisations from 21 EU and COSME participating countries.
Cluster organisation