SmartCTClusters ClusterXchange Programme - Webinar
Dear All,
Don't miss this Webinar on next Thursday 5th November and find out what the ClusterXchange program and what the SmartCTClusters project can do for your company or cluster.
SmartCTClusters aims to explore a model of relationship between clusters in the field of the Smart Cities paradigm and to establish a collaboration network that includes some of the most relevant European actors in the ecosystems of mobility, energy, environment and ICT.
As part of the project, the ClusterXchange program will encourage and facilitate cross-regional, sectoral and cross-sectoral cooperation between European clusters and companies by promoting learning and sharing of best practices. The aim is to increase the competitiveness of European SMEs.
The webinar will be developed in English and will follow the following programme:
09h:30-09h:40 SmartCTCluster's overview
09h:30-09h:40 presented by the 'Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country'
09h:40-10h:05 The ClusterXchange Pilot Scheme
09h:30-09h:40 presented by the 'Digital Cluster of Catalonia'
10h:05-10h:20 Upcoming events
09h:30-09h:40 presented for 'Fondazione Torino Wireless'.
10h:20-10h:30 Q&A
Sign up and get access to the event now!
For any further information, please do not hesitate to write us on info [at] (info[at]smartctclusters[dot]eu)
SmartCTClusters consortium is looking forward to welcoming you aboard!