Smart textiles: marketplace and forward-looking opportunities in Context
Next Technology Tecnotessile will host the European event “IN-CONTEXT” which will be held next 23-24 March in Prato - Italy.
CONTEXT is the European network of textile researchers and experts in the textile sector, who share technologies and develop ideas and initiatives for innovative solutions.
During the day, experts, and researchers from all over Europe will present the most relevant research and innovation results for the textile sector. The meeting will focus on circularity in textiles and on technical topics related to textile applications, such as healthcare and medicine, automotive and aeronautics, personal protective equipment, construction and housing, sports, and wearable devices. The second part of the event will feature B2B meetings with European textile companies, universities, and research centres.
The second day of the event will be held on Friday morning 24 March at ‘The Social Hub’ in Florence, where textile prototypes of many European companies will be presented.