Smart Factory Hub project Kick off

Submitted by Anna Naydenova on 21 February 2017

ICT Cluster is a partner in Smart Factory Hub project which has started with the kick off meeting held in Sarvar, Hungary on 9-10 February 2017. The project is financed under the first call of the Danube Transnational program. The partnership includes 12 partners from 10 countries of the Danube region. SMART FACTORY HUB (SFH) main objective is to improve framework conditions for Innovation in the area of smart factory/Smart Manufacturing, based on Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) centered model. The meeting put the framework of the future successful project implementation as partners agreed on project administrative and technical procedures. The tasks and deadlines for the first reporting period were underlined. Together with the kick off meeting on 10th March the kickoff event of the project took place. The event was attended by the representative of JTS and the mayor of Sarvar. The project partners had chance to visit the Flex factory and see the future technologies for optimization of production and HR processes.

More information about the project you could find on:

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