Smart digitisation highlights from 2021 with connection to digital forest innovations
Smart digitisation can make the forest industry more efficient and sustainable. Let us take a glimpse at some exciting and promising solutions from around Europe that can contribute to digitising the forest industry.
Since 2020 Paper Province has been an active partner in the ROSEWOOD4.0 network. In collaboration with several European actors we harness the most innovative digital solutions in forestry. The aim is to enable knowledge transfer and connect multiple actors along the forest value chain with the aim of strengthening the sustainability of wood mobilisation, forest management and the wood industry in Europe.
ROSEWOOD4.0 continuously highlights selected digital applications and best practices. And as we approach the end of 2021, we want to take the opportunity to take a closer look at simulation and visualisation tools that we ave come accross this year.
HiVision – Virtual reality support for crane operators
Swedish HiVision is the industry leading innovative digitalisation solution that provides individual crane operators with vision to safely carry out any timber loading task without having to leave the truck cabin.
This technology allows the operator, with a virtual reality headset, to sit in the cab of the truck and use joysticks to operate the crane’s functions, which improves the efficiency and profitability of wood transport and mobilisation tasks.
Visit the ROSEWOOD4.0 factsheet to learn more about this solution.
Arboair – High precision imagery for bark beetle detection
Arboair is a Swedish company that uses drones, colour change analysis and artificial intelligence to scan the forest for infected or stressed trees. By identifying the damage in time, Arboair technology can prevent the bark beetle from spreading further in the forest. In addition, thanks to this technology, the forest inventory count is ten times faster than with traditional methods on foot.
Visit the ROSEWOOD4.0 factsheet to learn more about this solution.
iWald – Forest growth simulation app
iWald is a project that developed a smartphone application that compares silvicultural treatments and simulates forest growth processes on the smartphone. Through this digital solution, forest managers and professionals can access realistic and technically sound options for the sustainable management of their forests.
This tool, developed in Germany, aims to improve the resilience and adaptation of forests to climate change, one of the main challenges currently facing the forestry sector.
Visit the ROSEWOOD4.0 factsheet to learn more about this application.
AVATAR – Advanced Virtual Aptitude and Training Application in Real Time
AVATAR project develops a digital coach that supports modern forestry workers individually on the job, as today’s modern forestry machines today have a complex user interface, requiring up to 3,500 actuations/h.
With AVATAR, machine control systems and sensor technology gather targeted information to guide the operator towards more balanced working methods and techniques as well as a greater precision and quality of forest operations in the EU.
AVATAR is developed in Germany, Norway and Sweden.
Visit the ROSEWOOD4.0 factsheet to learn more about this application.
Virtual Forest 2.0 – 3D technology to shape your forest plot
Virtual Forest 2.0 enables efficient 3D visualisation of forest stands based on accurate data and forest management options. The application improves participatory land-use planning, guides forest owners and helps different stakeholder groups understand what their forest will look like in the future.
The virtual forest is developed in Finland and can be used to increase citizens’ understanding of different forest management options and to activate private landowners’ communities and cooperative forest management.
Visit the ROSEWOOD4.0 factsheet to learn more about this application.
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