Smart Building: Kick-off for CoolCarbonConcrete project

Submitted by Stephanie Uhlig on 19 October 2017

Stefan Uhlig, project manager at Cool Silicon e. V., presented the new innovation project "CoolCarbonConcrete" (CCC) for the first time during a workshop of the SmartTex network in Weimar/Germany. The background is the successful application of Cool Silicon e.V. for an innovation forum, a funding instrument of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research to explore new areas of innovation. The funding initiative "Innovationsforen Mittelstand" encourages stakeholders from business and science to jointly break the boundaries of institutions and industries, sparking new alliances.

The project is intended to explore cooperative potentials and project ideas for the integration of micro- and nanoelectronics (eg sensors) in carbon concrete and to show new functionalities.The identification and networking of the relevant actors in the field of innovation "Electrics and electronics integration in carbon concrete" intends to promote and enable the two industries micro / nanotechnology and construction to connect and to collaborate. 
In particular, the cooperation with the network C3-Cool Carbon Composites plays an important role and should be intensified within this framework.

In addition to the market and technology analysis, the project team will, among other things, carry out several workshops in order to identify opportunities for integration as well as to develop a general and exemplary value creation chain. The concluding task will be the conception and implementation of an innovation forum/event, which will bring the potentials of the innovation field CCC closer to the participants and enable the exchange of the actors in future cooperation. 

CCC offers the participating partners from the R & D and SME sector the opportunity to tap into the new interdisciplinary and innovative topic "Electrical and electronic integration in carbon concrete construction" and to find new partners and cooperations within the other branches. In this way, both existing ideas and research results are to be implemented in the sense of innovative marketable products, and new ideas and fields of research are to be discovered.

The CCC Innovation Forum aims to directly support current trends in the areas of SmartCity, Industry 4.0, Autonomous Driving and related topics. The project will be conducted from October 2017 until June 2018.

If you are interested (eg SMEs, networks, clusters, research facilities or other interested parties) please do not hesitate to contact us.


Stefan Uhlig / Project Manager
Cool Silicon e. V.
Tel. +49 351 8925 802
E-mail: stefan.uhlig [at] (stefan[dot]uhlig[at]cool-silicon[dot]de)  

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Cluster organisation
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