SIAL China & Network receptions of the agricultural Embassies
Last week, the New Frontiers in Food Fast Forward (NF4) delegation visited the SIAL China in Shanghai, which is the largest Food Innovation event in Asia. During this exhibition the European companies had meetings with international food companies, agents, importers and other stakeholders to generate and investigate new business and innovation collaboration opportunities in China. The Dutch and French participants in the NF4 Innovation Tour to China also participated in a network reception of the Dutch agricultural Embassy, courteously organized and hosted by the Dutch Agrofood Counsellor Henk Stigter, and a network reception organized by the the French agricultural Embassy, to discuss about the support and guidance that could be provided by the Embassy. In addition, European companies already involved in business in China interacted with the participants and explained the delegation about their experience and challenges with entering the Chinese market.
By both of these activities, the participants gained valuable information with new insights in, and knowledge of the import of food ingredients and food products to China. We look forward to the next developments in the companies’ journey towards business and innovation collaboration in China!
More informaiton about the NF4-project and the NF4-activities are available at