The selected product catalog helps the LASER-Go Global to find new customers for SMEs
The COSME-supported cluster partnerships include hundreds of SMEs each offering different types of products, services and each operating on a somehow different business model. Thus, when it comes to presenting the company product portfolio during the cluster missions, the cluster managers face a headache of how to select the right portfolio of companies and their products matching the needs of a particular targeted country or market under the conditions when the exact needs of the counterparts in the third countries are often not fully known and the vital information is only partial. The LASER-Go Global consortium has come up with a solution to make a life for its mission planners easier. The partnering clusters came up with an idea to shortlist 30 innovative offerings (5 from each of the six clusters involved) from hundred of SMEs and put their main products into a catalog to be used as a teaser. The catalogue helped to create a coherent marketing message and has been very positively received by the intermediaries and multipliers in the non-EU markets. "What it does is basically acts as a door stopper, - says the project coordinator Linas Eriksonas (LITEK), - helping to keep the momentum during the engagement with the companies and their representatives in trade shows, matchmaking events or during the B2B meetings, while allowing some space and time for probing deeper the needs of potential customers/markets. Once the needs are identified, the offerings by other cluster portfolio companies could be put on the table, if the existing shortlist does not fully address those needs to open the doors even wider". The LASER-Go catalogue has undergone through two editions since the first time it was put together last summer with changes made on an annual basis, taking into consideration the new products and offerings as they emerge from the individual cluster ecosystems as the partnership evolves. The electronic version is available to access from: